Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And the revelation that was delivered unto Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, along was the gift of the Zeal of purities', was given as a humble remembrance, a deliverance of teachings', and this is revelational evidance unto mankind, and this Zeal of purities' was taught unto them, and from the highest revelation teacher meaning Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, came teachers and imams' who followed directly thereafter, and therein, they learnt the deeper values of establishing the righteous prayers'.

Nahl verse 44
And what was sent, the humble descending teachings', unto the teacher who hosted the completed Zeal of purities', the inheritances' of the highest raised scriptational teachings', and was this not delivered with a completed book and was this not unto them a aid of teaching evidances', and thereafter came, the group of gathering muslims' who learnt the positions of teaching, and therein from Allah sub hanna wa ta al'la, arrived the set limits', and this was a mercy, from the day that the revelations started, and those that taught these revelations' became known as the deeper ascending muslims'. Al Ma'nuun.

Suret Nahl verse 64

And it was written and documented, through a place unseen, and Allah is the highest raised positional teacher. Verily the highest revelational teachings' of inheritances' were lowered to the highest humble teacher, meaning Mohammad peace and blessings be upon him, a set of positional instructions' of revelations of purities', with descriptive limitations', the Zeal of humble purities', and this inheritance of highest revelational teachings was sent in the form of a book, a book  containing truths', and teachings' of humble wisdoms',  and this is used as evidence to mankind, and the highest teacher meaning Mohammad, peace and blessings be upon him,  having inherited the scriptures' of revelations with Divine inspiration through the angel Gabriel, a completed number of all prayers' of devotional worship, and was this teaching not given in a place of hightened humble revelations', the teachings of the practises' of purities', the righetous blessings' of the correctional path.

suret nass 105


Sunday, March 24, 2013

And his call was written, and it was said that Mohammad, peace and blessing be upon him was the father of the Islamic faith, the Abdul of Allah  sub hanna wa ta al'la. Mohammad biin idriss', obtained a high station of visionary understandings and Allah is the most merciful and the highest and the most wise, and what then, the inheritances befell Mohammad peace and blessings be upon him , because of his natures', and how he connected with the Muslim's and the line of the muslims', and how he taught them and explained to them with a general mercy the purity of Quraanic values'.
To understand the humble teachings', is not easy, and this is said with exclaimations', the contextual writtings', of revelations', were Private, the highest descendings', with inner knowledges' of depth, and the general muslims' ask ?, and have limited understandings', and the Imam, meaning Mohammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was given the highest station of revelational, spiritual, understandings'.

Mohammad peace and blessings be upon him, was given, juwba, meaning, the understanding of obtaining the strength of the excellence of  the inner spiritual  purity, through Divine revelation, a straightened path of corrections', a teaching of spiritual medications', along with having visions of the deliverance of Gabriel, the revelations', a remembrance arriving, the highest revelational inspirations' arriving with the purity, the understanding of the complete depths of the Qu'raan, and the Quraan for those associates with lessor spiritual virtues', and these beautiful revelations were obtained in a place-pure, makkan, and there, the Divine revelations', were written into contextual translations', by those that received the medications of revelations', who were given the properties of dawwah', or understanding the explanations; and embracing Islamic faith values', and they read what was delivered,  and wrote, after the remembrances of hift were given, the verses arrived, and then the teachings arrived, and then the understandings of the teachings arrived and this was the known as the path of the sunnah, the humble understandings of the highest revelations', the pure mercy, and the inner sight of the mercy of  Allah sub hanna wa ta al'la, the teachers who arrived before and the teachers who arrived after and the corrective Qu'raan, and the muslims who received the mercy of dawwah, this mercy from who?, from Allah sub hanna wa ta al'lal.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

And Allah from a place unseen, and the muslim teachers', who raise the hift meaing the ways of Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, and the highest revelational teachings', of written contextual holy revelations delivered unto Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, a teacher who unstood all of the depths of the holy text, a set miracle, and evidances' of conclusive' purities', and this is varily the gem of the bountiful Karim, of Qur'aan.
And there within is remembrance of Allah, the highest raised teacher, and these verses of revelations' from a place unseen, arrived to the highest teacher of prophetic natures', hafid, clean of all vices', the given mercy of prophethood, and He meaning the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, raised as the nearest person to Allah, sub hanna wa ta Al'la, who raised a group of gathering muslims', in the life of this world, and thereafter some muslims became imams', teaching the given mercy of the walking hift, meaning Mohammed's atributes', and the imams' produced the narrated revelation transcripted text with purities similar to the practices of Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, and they became known as Al Imams' or the muslim faith leaders' on  a general level, and the limits' of  the ways' and path set by Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, and this is still a lessor but humble mercy of teachings', from those that read and practice the ways of Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him, and these were teachers connected with the raised seerah.